November Community Meeting


Make yourself a cup of tea or tune in on the go for a reading of the article "Material Empathy: How Craft Shapes Culture and Transforms Politics" from issue No. 13. Writer Liz McLellan @valerie.elizabeth.crawford from Montreal is joining the reading to inspire the sharing of thoughts, ideas and experiences about the impact of craft on our lives, especially in times of political polarisation and anxiety. You can also listen to the diverse thoughts of the crafters who attended the TAUKO November community meeting on how making by hand has created space for empathy, understanding and feeling for others.

TAUKO Magazine community meetings are held once a month, on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. The meetings are held online via Google Meets at 18:00 (EET) Finnish time and are free and open to everyone. Everyone is welcome to join the conversation or just sit back and listen. Topics range from new launches, sewing techniques, behind-the-scenes stories and readings. They are hosted by Mila Moisio from the TAUKO Magazine editorial team.

Subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on Instagram to find out what the next meeting December 19th will be about!

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